Kalamunda History Village
Visit the largest folk museum in Western Australia depicting the unique hills life and industries that developed in the area.
Kalamunda History Village is on the site of the old Upper Darling Range Railway Station built in the 1890s to service the Zig Zag line which transported timber from Canning Mills to the main line at Midland Junction. The two original railway stations and platform are on the National Trust List of Heritage Places.
Kalamunda History Village comprises of -
Locomotive G118 – a "G" Class locomotive of the type used on the Kalamunda line, including the Zig Zag, during its 49 years of government ownership
Railway stations – the original railway station (1903-1927) and a second railway station (1927-1949)
School House (1905-1970) – the area's first State school building
Post Offices – the original Post Office (1901-1921) and the first official Post Office (1921-1972)
Chamber's House (1922) – which depicts a typical pre World War II boarding house
McCullagh Cottage (1895) – a settler's cottage
Carriage Shed – housing a range of older transportation vehicles
Orchard Shed – showing the development of the orchard industry in the district
Blacksmith – a display of the blacksmith's trade
Sawpit – as used by the pioneers of the timber industry
Dunny – an original, complete with newspaper
Whim – used in the early days of the timber industry for moving logs - on loan from the WA Museum
Kalamunda Community Memorial Building – featuring transport display and memorial wall

Access through the ZigZag Cultural Centre after paying at the Visitor Centre
Weekdays 10am to 3pm
Thursday 12pm to 3pm
Weekends 10am to 4pm
Entry Fees
Standard Visit
Adults $11
Concession $7
Children (over 5) $5
Group Visits
Group guided tours can be arranged. Please phone 9293 1371 to book
* Carers accompanying concession groups are admitted free
Bus Parking on Williams St
Please note last entry 30 minutes before closing

This house was built at 31 Railway Rd by Mr Chambers for his daughters. It was moved to Kalamunda History Village in 1991 and is now restored as a guest house of 1920-1940s. There were 35 guest houses in the district in the 1930s.