About the Society
The Kalamunda and Districts Historical Society was formed in 1969 to promote interest in the local history of the City of Kalamunda.
The Society holds monthly meetings, activities and visits throughout the year for its members.
A bimonthly bulletin is published to keep members informed of the latest news of the museums, members and interesting stories of Kalamunda's history. Other publications on the history of Kalamunda are also published by the Society.
The Society also manages Kalamunda History Village and Stirk Cottage on behalf of the City of Kalamunda. Kalamunda History Village is the largest local history museum in Western Australia. A dedicated group of volunteers ensure that the buildings, grounds and artifacts in the museums are maintained and are available for enjoyment by visitors.

Who are We?
The Kalamunda & Districts Historical Society is a not for profit community organisation formed in 1969 with concerns of local residents to save our district’s heritage. The museum called the Kalamunda History Village was opened in 1971 at the Kalamunda Railway Station and yard of the former Upper Darling Range Railway. The Society manages the museum and Stirk Cottage on behalf of the City of Kalamunda. Our members are from many backgrounds, and age groups, but with a common interest in local history and a desire to contribute and share. An Executive Committee guides our planning and projects.
What is our Aim?
The Society records, conserves and promotes the history and heritage of the City of Kalamunda in many ways- through its artefacts, equipment, archives, oral history collection, research records, oral history and conservation of original buildings.
Members Perks
Members’ immediate family have free entry to the museum all year
Regular newsletter with many articles of interest and a social round-up
Annual programme of speakers and excursions with a history theme, learning more of local and State history
Opportunities to attend State history and museum conferences and presentations
Convivial morning teas with volunteers on Thursday and Saturday morning busy bees
Access to Society’s library collection and regular WA historical publications
Annual Christmas Sundowner with food, drinks, entertainment and music
Our volunteer members contribute their time and skills to a range of activities such as:
Accessioning, recording and cleaning donated items
Research and collection of relevant documents and photographs.
Maintenance of museum buildings, grounds and gardens
Publicity, school education and children’s holiday programs
Rostering on for Sunday openings of the museum
Producing publications, trails, DVDs, apps
Office Bearers 2024/2025
President ~ Jenny Lewis
Vice President ~ Dianne Harrison
Secretary ~ Paula Wilkins
Treasurer ~ Bob Rogers
Archivist ~ Marcia Maher
Museum Officer ~ Jeff Harrison
Technical Officer ~ Garth Bird
Collections Manager ~ Marie Garwood
Publicity Officer ~ Dianne Harrison
Committee Members ~ Sheila Jackson, Betty Marsh, Tony Crowder, Julie Wood, Maureen Robbins
New Members
New members are always welcome.
Please contact us on (08) 9293 1371 for further information about joining.
The annual membership subscriptions
Single Member (over 16) ~ $20.00
Adult Couple ~ $25.00
Family ~ $28.00
Senior ~ $15.00
Senior couple ~ $20.00
Junior (under 16) ~ $12.00

Want to become a Member?
Please phone us on (08) 9293 1371 or email us at kdhs@outlook.com.au, or come to Kalamunda History Village on a Thursday or Saturday morning to meet us.